
Our Story

We seek to employ those who find it difficult to obtain and retain work because of barriers, such as criminal history, addiction recovery, mental illness, domestic abuse, and generational poverty.

Even after this population has completed job training classes or completed a GED, entry-level jobs can be difficult to find, especially with those who might have a record or lack solid work history. As a result, too many in this demographic return to the streets and/or prison. Those who do obtain jobs often find themselves in dead-end positions with little prospect of making enough money to support a family. It is this critically overlooked population that Justice Industries seeks to serve.

Founded in 2011, Justice Industries has employed more than 125 individuals who have faced barriers to employment and paid more than $1,000,000 in wages through recycling, washing cars, commercial cleaning and document scanning/shredding enterprises.

Our Mission

Justice Industries creates job opportunities for people experiencing barriers to employment by providing quality goods and services to the community, while offering employees stability, independence and upward mobility.

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We don’t do this work alone

Join Us

We depend on our employees to provide amazing services. We depend on volunteers for creative work, logistical challenges, and spreading the word. And we depend on donations to build and sustain Justice Industries. 64% of our yearly budget is met through earned income from our social enterprises. This is a big number that we’re proud of. We depend on you for the rest.


Your donation creates jobs for people who have experienced poverty and marginalization. Your gift also makes a difference for our Earth.